• $750 annually when you sign up with your spouse/partner

  • For a Periodontal plan, an additional $100 will be applied per periodontal maintenance.  Other fees may apply for a Deep Cleaning (Scaling and Root Planing).  

About Our Membership Plan





For patients with healthy mouth cleanings (no periodontal disease) For Children 12 and under
Routine Cleanings (2 per year) Routine Cleanings (two per year)
Routine Oral Exams (2 per year) Routine Oral Exams (two per year
Bitewing X-rays (one per year) Bitewing X-rays (one per year)
Panoramic X-ray (one every 5 years) Panoramic X-ray (one every 5 years)
One Emergency Exam per Year (if needed) Fluoride Treatment (two per year)
Fluoride Treatment (two per year) One Emergency Exam per year (if needed)


Interested in applying?  Please call us at 704.209.9913 and one of our team members would be more than happy to help get started.