Tooth Extraction




What is a tooth extraction?


A tooth extraction is a procedure where a tooth is removed through the use of dental instruments.  


Why do I need my tooth extracted?


Your dentist will evaluate your tooth in order to determine if it can be saved or not.  Teeth are often extracted due to dental decay, severe fracture, malpositioned teeth, or crowding.   One common reason for a tooth to need to be extracted is that if dental decay is left untreated for too long of a time, there may not be enough tooth structure left to repair.  


What are the risks of extracting a tooth? 


  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Jaw stiffness
  • Dry socket


What is the procedure like? 


Tooth extractions are typically completed in one visit unless there are multiple teeth involved.  Dr. Lukic will evaluate your teeth and will discuss the best treatment plan for you.  Extractions are completed under local anesthetic where the tooth is anesthetized by dental anesthetic so that you don't feel any discomfort.  Next, dental instruments are used to extract the tooth from the socket.  You may feel some pressure during the procedure.




After the tooth is extracted, a piece of gauze will be placed on the extraction site and you will be instructed to bite down on the gauze for up to 45 mintues.  By doing this, it will help to create a blood clot.   Ice packs should be used to reduce inflammation the day of and the day after surgery.   Avoid chewy, sticky, hard or crunchy foods near the extraction site since these foods may irritate your extraction site.  You will need to abstain from smoking for 1 week after the procedure to avoid risk of developing dry socket and to avoid dealying the healing period.   Do not use a straw and do not swish your mouth vigously for 24 hours as doing these can prevent a blood clot from forming.  

It can take at least 2 weeks for an extraction site to heal.  


What is dry socket?

Dry socket (alveolar osteitis) can occur after an extraction and occurs when a blood clot breaks down or is dislodged, causing the bone or nerves to be exposed.  When this occurs, it can cause severe pain.  The first 5 days after surgery are the most important and it is during the time in which dry socket can occur.  If you think you have dry socket please call our office right away.


Treatment for dry socket


Dr. Lukic will rinse the socket and remove any debris.  Next a medicated dressing will be placed into the socket to protect the area and relieve pain.  Dry socket usually heals within 7-10 days.   


Please book an appointment today if you think you need a tooth extracted.